A popular New Year’s resolution is to “live life” or “live more fully”. If you are looking for more ways to embrace life in 2016, then here are seven suggestions for you.
Trying something new is always exciting. And it doesn’t even have to be something big or scary. Try making a new recipe, check out that new restaurant that opened across town, or wear orange leggings for the first time.
Quit Something
Just as invigorating as trying something new, is quitting something that’s holding you back. Been trying to knit the same dishtowel for three years? Give yourself permission to say “this isn’t happening” and move on. Do you really hate going to your reading group? It’s okay to acknowledge it’s not really your thing and shift into the “try something new” phase.
Invest in Yourself
One of the biggest things I miss about working in a corporate setting was the continuing education; I love learning new skills and concepts. Take a class, read a book, or check out a video course that speaks to you to expand your personal and professional horizons.
Play “What If?”
It may seem like a silly game, but playing “what if?” can actually reveal hidden heart’s desires to you. Plus it’s fun to think what you might do with a million dollars or if you won a trip to anywhere in the world. It can help you set some enjoyable goals to work towards.
Embrace Change
Change is inevitable, so why not embrace it? You can’t wave a magic wand and disperse a traffic jam, so use that time to gaze out the window and look at things you’ve never noticed before. Or listen to a podcast (an easy way to invest in yourself!) or play “I spy” with the kiddos.
Getting rid of “stuff” not only can help you net some extra cash (put it towards investing in yourself) but decluttering can actually have a huge effect on your mental well-being. Lighten your worries by visually lightening up your space; less worry is never a bad thing.
Laugh More
One of the easiest ways to more fully embrace life is to laugh at every opportunity. It even has proven health and wellness benefits! Try to find the humor in every situation and every once in awhile, let those belly laughs roll.
If you’re like me laughing too hard can sometimes add to your worries instead of relieving them. Having a baby and getting older do things to your body you can’t control (remember, embrace change!). Stock up on Poise liners and laugh without worry. Right now you can even save $7 (put that money towards your “What if?” dream) when you purchase them at Sam’s Club!