Oct 022015
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My sister-in-law Abby gave birth to my nephew Jayce a week ago, and let me tell you – she looks great!  Way better than I remember looking – and feeling – after giving birth, myself.  It took quite awhile after Bubbles was born until I felt like wearing anything other than yoga pants and a t-shirt.

Tips on how to look and feel glam after baby is born!

Giving yourself a little TLC is important, though, and getting out of those yoga pants can go a long way towards making you feel better, too.  So here are a few tips to help you look and feel glam after giving birth.

Buy yourself a new outfit – Your baby likely has a “Coming Home” outfit, why not you, too?  It will take you a little time to get that pre-baby body back, so buy something flattering but still comfortable.  A little confidence boost will go a long way.

A new makeup routine – Your days of 60 unfettered minutes in front of the bathroom each morning are no more.  Instead of feeling frustrated with a half-done look or crooked eyeliner, select some versatile products (lip and cheek duos, for example) and streamline your routine.  A little mascara and some lip gloss might be all you have time for, but still can provide you with a polished look.

Healthy snacks – Right after baby is born is not the time to start a diet (especially if you’re breastfeeding).  But choosing healthy snacks (instead of all the mac & cheese I ate while pregnant) can make you feel better inside and out.  Plenty of water and healthy snacks are great for your skin and hair, too (a nice replacement for the prenatal vitamins you’re probably not taking any more).

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Want another way to feel glam?  Enter to win one of these cute Glam Bags from Walgreens!  They’re packed full of lots of things to help you look great, such as:

  • U by Kotex Cleanwear pads
  • U By Kotex makeup bag
  • A $10 Walgreens gift card
  • EOS hand lotion
  • Kleenex facial tissue wallet pack
  • BIC disposable razor 4 pack
  • Rimmel Scandal Eyes Retroglam Mascara, black
  • Boots Keep it Sweet Bath & Shower Gel Mini, Vanilla Cheesecake

Enter fast – this giveaway ends October 3rd, 2015!

What helped you feel glam after baby?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  2 Responses to “How to Look and Feel Glam After Baby”

  1. Nice list. Every mom feels a bit “unattractive” after giving birth and although most of us don’t care about how we look since we’re so focused on our newborns, it helps to glam up a bit too.

    • I know what you mean, Elizabeth! All I could think about was my little sweet pea. I found, though, when I took five minutes to put on some mascara and throw my hair up into a ponytail, I felt more energetic which helped keep me going through all those weeks of 3 hours of sleep per day.

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