Apr 222015
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This shop and my DIY bird feeder ideas has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser, Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #MyDataMyWay #CollectiveBias

I like to think of myself as an organized person, and I love actually organizing things. But sometimes between work, motherhood and being a wife, my brain can get a little scattered. An idea will hit me and I’ll say “oh, I have to remember to look that up” – and then five minutes later, it’s left my mind for the next six months.

2 Easy DIY Bird Feeders Kids Can Make

Fortunately with a smartphone I lose less ideas than I did previously. I can jot myself a note, send a text to my husband with that hubby-do list request, or even look up the name to that song I can’t quite remember and stop driving myself nuts. But even more importantly, when inspiration hits, I can do something about it.

The other day I was at Walmart picking up some tomato plants when I noticed some bird seed.  Bubbles loves watching the birds in the backyard and I had been meaning to have us make something to feed them.  Yet another one of those ideas that pop into my head and then is completely forgotten when I move onto the next thought.

Checking Pinterest on the go for kids DIY bird feeder ideas

But since I had my Samsung Galaxy Avant in my pocket, and because it has unlimited data with the Walmart Family Mobile service, I pulled out my phone and hopped onto Pinterest.  Pinterest is one of my main sources for inspiration and having it at my fingertips can be really useful.  I searched for easy DIY bird feeder ideas for kids and found a couple that just from the visuals looked really easy.

Those cardboard tubes make great telescopes, too!

We ended up making two different types of DIY bird feeders and both of them are super-simple for kiddos to do.  Younger kiddos will need a tiny bit of help (cutting and knotting string) but older kiddos can handle these all on their own.

Peanut Butter DIY Bird Feeder

Easy DIY Bird Feeder - Spread peanut butter on the outside of a cardboard tube, roll in bird seed, and hang for the birds

You’ll need just four items to make these.  Peanut butter, bird seed, a knife and some empty cardboard tubes.

Spread peanut butter on the outside of the cardboard tubes

Spread a little peanut butter on the outside of the cardboard, then sprinkle with or roll the tube in bird seed.  Find a sturdy branch and slide the tube over the branch, then wait for the birds to land.

Roll the peanut butter-covered tubes in bird seed for an easy DIY bird feeder

Cereal DIY Bird Feeder

Slide circular cereal over a pipe cleaner - easy for kids and good for motor skills practice!

For these you’ll just need some circular cereal and pipe cleaners.  Let your kiddos thread the cereal down over the pipe cleaners, then twist the ends closed.

Hang cereal loops from the trees for another easy DIY bird feeder

You can either slide them over a branch as-is, or use a loop of yarn to hang them.

Data on the go makes it easy to get answers to your kids questions and let them search for answers on their own, too.

A short while later a robin showed up pecking his way across the lawn.  While he didn’t seem interested in our feeder just yet, Bubbles was very interested in knowing what kind of bird it was, what food it liked, and more.  A quick search on the Samsung Galaxy Avant for a bird guide brought up lots of information, including some visual charts of birds and their names.

Walmart Family Mobile plans and phones (including the Samsung Galaxy Avant) at Walmart

I appreciate having data at my fingertips to let us continue our project or outdoor adventures.  And I definitely appreciate the unlimited talk, text and web (up to 500MB of 4G LTE data) for just $29.88 a month for the first line.

Disclaimer: All prices for phones and plans included in this post are accurate as of the date of posting; however, these prices are subject to change. Please refer to http://cbi.as/6zx1 or your local Walmart for current pricing.

2 easy DIY bird feeders for the kids to make and hang

How do you use your phone and unlimited data to make your life easier?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  16 Responses to “Easy DIY Bird Feeder Ideas for Kids”

  1. love these ideas will have to try them and it will make great bird tv for the siamese have a great day

  2. I love my cell service – and my data has helped me a ton! Also I use Pinterest a lot as well and I think me and my boys will be making some feeders this weekend! Thanks for the idea!

  3. Hi there Friend, you are so creative! Thank you for joining in at the Friday Favorites Link Party! I hope to see you there this week:) Christine -Must Love Home

  4. […] spring with the kids with these easy DIY Bird Feeder Ideas for kids from Views from the […]

  5. I like how these are easy to make for kids! How cute!

  6. These are very creative! What a perfect way to get to see the lovely birds.

  7. Great ideas. Pinned and tweeted. I hope to see you on Monday at 7, we can’t wait to party with you! Lou Lou Girls

  8. I do love Pinterest. When I find cool ideas I make sure to pin them right away! Like you, if I don’t make a note or save neat ideas right away they escape me.

  9. I absolutely LOVE these ideas! Brilliant! Thanks!

  10. These are fun to make! Crafts that encourage kids to enjoy nature are great.

    • She’s very curious about animals and habitats and things, so I’m definitely trying to encourage that. Nature has a lot to teach us!

  11. Unlimited data would be amazing to have. Your bird feeders turned out amazing! Pinterest is one of my favorite apps to browse while we travel.

  12. […] spring with the kids with these easy DIY Bird Feeder Ideas for kids from Views from the Ville. These are so cute and a perfect way to teach kids about […]

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