Mar 022015
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This is a partnered post with myself, Champions for Kids and The Motherhood to introduce the Snacks for Students program. All words and opinions are my own.

Over the years I’ve worked with Champions for Kids a few different times.  The concept behind Champions for Kids is really simple: it’s an organization that makes it easy for you to give to kids in your own community.  There are a number of different programs they host throughout the year from food to books to toiletries and more.

Champions for Kids: making it easy to give to kids in your own local communities #SnacksForStudents

The ‘your own community’ part is one of the biggest reasons I’ve enjoyed partnering with Champions for Kids the last few years.  There are, of course, plenty of people that need our help worldwide, but it’s important to not overlook those in our own backyard, either.  And now for the first time, nearly everyone in the country can get involved in providing for their communities.

That’s because Champions for Kids has kicked off their first national campaign, Snacks for Students.  Through March 4th (and beyond in many places) you’ll be able to visit participating Walmart stores and look for the big purple Champions for Kids bin.  Drop off snacks and breakfast foods on your way out and they’ll go to schools and other kid-centric organizations in your area.

Champions for Kids donation bins and product purchase displays at participating Walmart stores #SnacksForStudents

In addition Champions for Kids together with General Mills, Kellogg’s, Emerald and Kettle Chips will provide 13 awards – totaling $45,000 – to school districts and participating youth-based organizations based on the total number of donated items collected in each store.  So be sure to stop in and drop off donations and see if your area will win one of the awards!

Shopping at Walmart to purchase snacks for students to donate in the Champions for Kids #SnacksForStudents program

To help kick things off here locally, I recently stopped into a nearby Walmart to make a seed donation.  I bought crackers, individual boxes of cereal, fruit pouches, juice, fruit snacks, nuts, and more.  The bins weren’t yet set up – there has been a little delay in some parts of the country due to the crazy winter weather – so in the meantime I’m dropping my donations off at the school I’m working with so teachers can distribute them.

You may wonder what use schools would have for snacks, but I can tell you I have heard a lot of stories about how hard it is to create a positive learning environment when your students’ main concern is whether or not they’ve eaten that day.  If we can help address their basic needs – like hunger – they’ll be in a better position to learn academically.  And thankfully Champions for Kids is making it super-easy to do through Snacks for Students SIMPLE Giving.

What snacks for students will you donate?


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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

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