Feb 082015
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Our plans for Valentine’s Day are starting to take shape.  We’ve decided to go out to lunch for a family “date” in the afternoon, and then that night we may do the indoor picnic about which she’s been asking.  Then probably finish up with one of the family-friendly movies for Valentine’s Day that I shared a bit ago.

Kick off Valentine's Day with your kiddos by watching the new Doc McStuffins Cuddle Me Lambie DVD. Includes free Lambie hair clips, too!

In the morning, of course, we’ll have breakfast.  Maybe some heart-shaped toast with peanut butter to go with her yogurt (her breakfast repertoire isn’t very deep).  After that we like to spend a little time snuggling and watching one of her shows together.

Doc McStuffins Cuddle Me Lambie

On Valentine’s Day I’ve got a special treat for her during our morning snuggle.  Our friends at Disney recently sent us the Doc McStuffins Cuddle Me Lambie DVD and we’ll be watching that to kick off the day.  I already browsed through the episodes while she napped the other day and some of her favorites are on here.

The full list of episodes includes:

  • My Huggy Valentine / Dusty Bear
  • Awesome Guy’s Awesome Arm / Lamb In A Jam
  • Kirby And The King / Bubble Monkey, Blow Your Nose!
  • A Day Without Cuddles! / Collide-o-scope
  • Mirror, Mirror On My Penguin / Hide And Eek!

The first dual episode is one we’ve watched a couple of times in the past and it’s definitely great for Valentine’s Day.  In “My Huggy Valentine” Lambie is so excited for Valentine’s Day, which has always been really special for her and Doc.  But then Doc receives Val – a very huggy heart – as a gift and the spotlight is off of Lambie and onto Val.  It makes for one sad Lambie and opens up the opportunity to discuss “a broken heart” with your kiddos.

The other episodes are great, as well.  We always get a good giggle over Sir Kirby and when he gets glued to The Wicked King those giggles continue.  And while Awesome Guy usually gives us a giggle, too, it’s not so funny when he hurts his arm from lifting too many toys.

As an added bonus the Doc McStuffins Cuddle Me Lambie DVD box includes a pair of Lambie hair clips.  They’re right inside the box, so no need to send away or redeem for them.  The clips are cute and your little one might even want to wear them for Valentine’s Day!

How will you kick off Valentine’s Day with your family?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

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