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I received a prize pack in order to create back to school lunchbox ideas. All thoughts and words are my own.

Kids around the country are heading back to school, triggering the question of “what can I pack for lunch?”  Of course there’s the old stand-by, the sandwich.  It’s a classic for a reason: portable, easy to eat, easy to customize.

Back to School Lunchbox Ideas with an Easy Quesadilla Recipe

But why not send them back this year with something new?  Recently I was challenged by the folks at Azteca to come up with easy back to school lunchbox ideas using their tortillas.  While there are a number of great things I already make that use tortillas, I had to really think about what would be a good lunchbox fit.

What I decided on was an easy quesadilla recipe.  I personally love quesadillas cold almost more than I do when they’re hot from the griddle or stove.  And when cut up into wedges, they’re easy to tuck into a lunchbox (and great for dipping).

Back to School Lunchbox Ideas with an Easy Quesadilla Recipe

Quesadilla Recipe

  1. Heat a skillet (either a standalone one, or on the stove) over medium-low heat.  Spray with cooking spray.
  2. Lay a small Azteca No Preservatives Tortilla in the pan.  Top one half of the tortilla with cooked chicken (shredded), Mexican-blend shredded cheese, fresh chopped cilantro, and a tablespoon of corn kernels.  If your family enjoys the kick, also add a teaspoon of chopped green chilies.
  3. Let warm through until cheese starts to bubble; fold tortilla over to cover ingredients.
  4. Flip to other side; let finish cooking an additional minute or two until cheese has melted and tortilla is golden brown.

Lunchbox Suggestion

I would pair my quesadilla with some bell pepper slices (red or green), some carrot sticks, and some fresh strawberries.  I’d also add in a small container of salsa for dipping (or if your taste run slightly strange like mine, some honey mustard sauce).  Definitely make it your own by adding your kids’ favorites: tortilla chips, some refried beans, whatever they might like.

Azteca Back to School Prize Pack and Back to School Lunchbox Ideas

So that you can come up with some of your own back to school lunchbox ideas, I have a great back to school prize pack from Azteca for one lucky reader.  It includes:

$50 Walmart Gift Card
Azteca Free Product Coupon
Meal Planning Notepad
Tupperware Container
Dry Erase Wall Decal Calendar

Giveaway closed – congrats Heather!

What back to school lunchbox ideas do you have?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  69 Responses to “Easy Back to School Lunchbox Ideas and a Quesadilla Recipe”

  1. I like to make Peanut Butter and Jelly Sushi Rolls, chicken noodle soup, Ham and Cheese muffins, a Pita sandwich with meat and avocado.

  2. I like to make tortilla turkey and spinach wrap for my son’s lunchbox

  3. I like to make different shapes out of my grandson’s sandwich to keep it fresh and unique!

  4. My lunch idea would be mini pizzas. Just throw some toppings into little containers, some sauce, and cheese. Don’t forget the tortillas. As I cut mine smaller and heat them a bit. And they can create there own for pizzas for lunch. Fun and simple.

  5. I like to include both fruit and sandwiches in kid’s lunch box.

  6. Their tortillas would be great for ham and cheese rollups or hummus and shredded veggie rollups. I’d add some raw veggies to munch on and seasonal fresh fruit for dessert.

  7. My family is gluten-free, so lunches are a challenge.. I stick with trail mix, apple or banana chips, peanut butter on rice crackers (Crunchmaster are the best), yogurt, all healthy options.

  8. This is my first year packing a lunchbox, so I’m lost. lol I’m planning on doing small sub sandwiches and of course juice boxes. I should check in later and see what other ideas the experienced moms are doing.

  9. We like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a small bag of chips and an apple for our lunch boxes.

  10. turkey sandwich and apple slices

  11. We pack lots of fruits and veggies.

  12. This is such a great idea! While we don’t have school lunches, I feel like I make more lunches for my hubby as summer comes to a close… I love easy ideas like this!

  13. Our little guy doesn’t like sandwiches so we have to be creative. He likes chicken and hamburgers and he likes many fruits and veggies, which is wonderful!

  14. My kids love quesadillas. That’s definitely a great idea.

  15. My son is a create of habit, so yogurt, fruit, pretzels and a sandwich!

  16. Fruits and veggies, and wraps.

    Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  17. This is a great idea for a lunchbox. Quesadillas travel well, and they’re delicious at room temperature.

  18. I love switching things up for my son’s lunch a lot. Quesadillas sound like fun. We usually send our son with a bento box, so this would be a great thing to include. We also add lots of fruits and veggies, plus one small piece of candy like a gummy bear or Hershey kiss.

  19. I love your quesadilla lunch idea. I know that all of my kids would enjoy this in their lunch instead of a sandwich once in a while.

  20. I never thought to do quesadillas! I’m surprised to because I do a lot of roll ups.

  21. i usually send some sort of sandwich but i love the quesadilla idea. I also sometimes send lunchmeat and cheese and crackers to make their own little cracker sandwiches. Usually put in some sort of fruit as well.

  22. My son’s lunch tomorrow is ham slices wrapped around veggie sticks with ranch dip. Grapes and a hard boiled egg.

  23. My son loves fresh veggies and fruit with different dips and a wrap pb&j for lunch. Actually I am kind of stumped for anything new.

  24. I pack different kind of sandwiches and cookies so that my daughter wouldn’t get bored of the same lunch. :)

  25. My kids like carrots and hummus with a Turkey sandwich

  26. My kids like carrots and hummus with a Turkey sandwich

  27. Apple slices with a little lemon juice and peanut butter to dips them in or celery with peanut butter and raisins.

  28. I like to pack foods that the kids can assemble themselves – taco ingredients, etc. They eat more when they get to play with their food!

  29. I don’t know how I would make a lunch without grapes, it just doesn’t work to put an apple in there!

  30. My son likes greek yogurt and some cheese with his lunch.

  31. I like to put raw veggies and a small container of hummus or yogurt dip in lunches.

  32. My kids like Turkey Wraps, PB & J sandwiches. Just some of the basics. Cut up fruit of veggies.

  33. Usually PB&J, cheese sandwiches or pizza english muffin ontop of a whole wheat english muffin.

  34. They like my breakfast muffins for lunch! They also like fresh fruit, veggies with hummus, and cookies!

  35. all of mine love fruit, all vegetables (raw and cooked) and most meats.. so they are super easy to fix lunch.. they love tortilla shells so i use that instead of bread.. i try to fix different so they don’t get tired of if.. then i always put them little notes in there that makes them smile!!

  36. I don’t have any new back to school lunchbox ideas. I’d stick with the tried and true, like tuna sandwiches, ham sandwiches, bologna sandwiches, apples, carrot sticks, celery sticks, and cookies.

  37. My daughter is very picky about what she eats so we stick with basics like chicken nuggets and sandwiches. My favorite side is pretzels and applesauce or graham crackers and apple sauce. Thank you!

  38. My daughter is pretty basic for lunch. She just wants a sandwich with cheese, pepperoni and salami. She usually gets some chips or candy with it! :)

  39. I plan the basics….peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheddar, tuna salad sandwiches

  40. I pack some yogurt and send some granola cereal and strawberries she can mix with it.

  41. Simple lunches such as peanut butter and jelly sandwich :)

  42. Oh we do peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, he also love peanut butter and banana rollups! We have not got to creative yet….

  43. BLT club wraps with avocado.

  44. Our kids love cut up fresh fruit.
    thank you

  45. Lunchbox ideas are chicken salad and crackers with veggies.

  46. My daughter likes to take cheese sticks, fruit slices and cucumbers.

  47. My daughter likes greek yogurt, fruit snacks and some cheese with her lunch

  48. put in a treat once a week, fruit the rest

  49. My daughter likes the basic taco salad in her lunch.

  50. My daughter prefers sandwiches and fruit and my son prefers salad and soup. I normally pack the salad in a keep cold container and the soup in a small thermos.


  51. My daughter is currently obsessed with cream cheese sandwiches and slices of bell pepper!

  52. my ideas are stuffed pitas with cheese and carrots

  53. Peanut Butter Jelly Fluff sandwiches. On one whole slice a bread spread peanut butter. Then on the other slice spread jelly on half and fluff on the other half and cut in half. You now have 1 side PBJ and the other PBF

  54. My kids like the usual sandwiches for lunch and sometimes fresh veggies with dip or hot soup in a thermos.

  55. my lunchbox ideas are: an apple, peanut butter &jelly sandwiches, fresh veggies, string cheese, jello

  56. I don’t have anything really unique.. hummus, cheese, cut up veggies. I try to keep things healthy.

  57. I would use a nice veggie sandwich with cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion!

  58. My niece really likes “walking tacos” taco meat a bag of chips and some lettuce – she really likes them

  59. I like to experiment with different ingredients in roll ups the next one I am going to try is peanut butter and banana.

  60. They like to eat strawberries, blueberries, grapes, baby carrots, hummus, and cheese sticks.

  61. My girls like fresh apples, chunks of cheese, pepperoni and crackers or fresh baked bread.

  62. When my son was in school, I made him turkey wraps for his lunchbox. These were his favorites, loved them with cheese strings and grapes :)

  63. Anything that replaces bread is an excellent back to school idea! Especially for tortilla wraps or burritos!

  64. I like the idea of string cheese and veggies.

  65. Fresh fruit and cheese slices with multigrain crackers are great to include

  66. Fresh fruit and nuts for snacks with healthy veggie wraps for lunch.

  67. I make a grilled tuna sandwich on rye,clementines cut up,chips,and cheese cubes.

  68. We always include a fruit whether it be apple slices, banana, grapes, or peaches.

  69. Fresh fruit , a favorite veggie and turkey sandwich

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