Jun 232014
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Growing up crafts were one of my favorite things to do.  I still enjoy being up to my elbows in glue and paint when I have the chance, so I’m particularly excited that Bubbles is showing interest in crafts, as well.

A little while ago the folks at Michael’s asked if Bubbles and I would like to attend their fun annual Passport to Imagination series as their guest this summer.  This year Michael’s has partnered with seven of North America’s best museums to create a museum road trip.  Each day, kids will experience culture through crafts with projects inspired by world-class museum exhibits.

Butterfly Crafts at the Michaels Passport to Imagination Program

Last week was the kick-off week and each class – held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday – celebrated the Field Museum of Chicago.  Based on the projects I saw listed for the week, I decided to take Bubbles to the Friday class.  When she found out that we were going to be making butterflies and treefrogs she was super-excited.

Easy Butterfly Crafts

 Supplies Needed

  • White cardstock
  • Colored tissue paper squares
  • Glue
  • Chenille stem
  • Wiggly Eyes

Easy Butterfly Crafts: Tissue Paper Butterfly for Kids


  • Sketch out a butterfly onto your cardstock or use my butterfly template.
  • Have older kids cut out the template (you can cut for the younger ones) and cover with a thin coat of glue.
  • Let kids press the tissue paper squares into the glue however they would like. They can be flat for a stained glass-look, crinkled for a textured look, or a combination of the two. There is no wrong way.
  • Once the tissue paper has dried, cut a chenille stem into pieces and form to look like antennae.  Glue on to the back of the butterfly; let dry.
  • Finish by gluing  a pair of googly eyes to the front and let dry.

Butterfly Crafts: Butterfly Template

During the Passport to Imagination class we attended, kids had the opportunity to craft the entire life cycle of a butterfly, starting with eggs on a leaf.  You can visit their Passport to Imagine website to find butterfly crafts at every stage.

Fun Butterfly Crafts at Michaels

Classes run from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. local time at Michaels stores across the nation.  The cost is only $2 per session per child, and includes all the materials you need to craft, and the kiddos will get to take home their creations.  I think it’s a really well-priced activity for kids to enjoy this summer.  Head over and register online today!

Which of the Passport to Imagination classes would your child best like?

Thank you to Michaels for providing the Passport to Imagination program to us free of charge. All thoughts, words, and experiences are my own.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

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