This is a sponsored post. I am a Shop Your Way blogger and all opinions are my own.
One of my favorite perks that an online store can offer is free shipping. Offer me free shipping – especially free shipping on any order, no minimum purchase – and I’m likely going to buy from you. Frequently.
I’m excited to share that if you enjoy shopping with Sears or Kmart online, you have a new free shipping program available to you. Meet Shop Your Way MAX which provides you with free 2-day shipping on Sears and Kmart merchandise. Shop Your Way MAX costs just $39/year and is available to any Shop Your Way Rewards member (membership is free!).
If you shop more than a handful of times per year, $39 could be a huge savings for you. And with major gift-giving occasions coming up – like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, college and high school graduations – you may have a few things on your list that you’d like sent directly to your home, or even the recipient. I’m thinking tools for Father’s Day; jewelry, perfume, or a pretty handbag for Mother’s Day; and home goods for the graduates, like sheets, laundry supplies, maybe even a television or Blu-ray player.
Right now you can give Shop Your Way MAX a try for free. Sign up and get 90 days free to see how you like it. Free shipping and a free trial – doesn’t get a whole lot better than that! Think of all the things you could order in 90 days.