Feb 262014
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I received product in order to facilitate my review. No other compensation was received and all words and opinions are my own.

I’ve always loved board games.  Sunday afternoons and many weeknight evenings in my childhood were spent playing any number of different games.  As I got older, they would often turn into marathon games where the board would have to be placed aside and revisited later to determine the winner.

Hasbro's The Game of Life Board Game

Now that I have a family of my own, board games are a tradition we continue.  While Bubbles is a little young for many of them, she still loves to join us all, taking part where she can.  And if the game is really above her skill level, she participates by rolling the die, spinning the wheel, handing us cards, or just cheering, “You can do it! Go, go!” for whomever currently is taking a turn.

The only thing I didn’t always love about playing games was the setup time.  As an impatient youngster I remember just wanting the game to startrightnow.  And as an adult with an equally – or more so – impatient preschooler, I now feel for my father as he tried to read directions and place all the pieces without me either wandering off or snagging a piece and losing it before we even started.

The Game of Life - Instant Setup & Easy Play

Easy-to-Read Directions for The Game of Life

So the fact that a Hasbro classic – The Game of Life – now comes in a quick-start version makes me quite happy.  You unfold the board, add the pegs to your cars, and go.  Even the instructions have been simplified into an easy-to-read card versus the old typed black-and-white directions.

Playing The Game of Life

We had a great time making The Game of Life part of a family game afternoon.  I loved getting reacquainted with a game I always enjoyed as a kid; I had kind of forgotten some of the details, like separate career and college paths.  It also gave us a chance to give Bubbles some practice counting the spaces and following instructions.

Updated Activity, Career, College, and House Cards for The Game of Life

Choose College or Career Paths in The Game of Life

I love all the updated pieces and colors, too.  I don’t remember my old version of The Game of Life being quite so vivid and pretty!  And I’m quite sure there wasn’t an Eco House back then, either.

If you’re looking for a fun family game night activity, The Game of Life is a great choice.  Pick up a copy from Amazon or Target today!

Have you tried the new Game of Life? Whom would you play with?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  32 Responses to “Enjoying Family Game Time with Hasbro’s The Game of Life”

  1. I have an old, old version of this game that I had when I was a kid, and yes – I play it with my kids sometimes. They love it.

  2. Looks as fun as I remember it being and now to be able to start playing even faster, you can’t beat it! I will have to look for this the next time we need a new game.

  3. Oh wow. I haven’t played the Game of Life since I was a kid. What memories it brings back!

  4. I played this game SO much as a kid! I’m excited about the easier setup!

  5. Oh my goodness, that game has changed! I love the new look. That was always one of my favorite board games. We have the older version and still play it all the time with my kids!

  6. I might have to get this to play with my kids

  7. I haven’t tried the new version. I’d definitely play it with my husband. He’s crazy about board games!

  8. I loved board games as a child and hope to share this love with my son. Life was my favorite to when I was a kid, this version looks way cooler than the one in the 80’s

  9. I loved this game as a kid, but have yet to play it as an adult. We do a lot of family game time here, so I’ll have to add this to our game closet! I am loving the new look, and a new easy set-up!

  10. I used to love playing this game! Looks like some things have changed since then. I can’t wait to teach my son how to play!

  11. This game’s a bit too advanced for my little guy but I’d love to bring this to family game night at the in-laws!

  12. I love Hasbro, and I love playing board games with the kiddos. I will have to check out this game, for sure!

  13. Life has always been one of my favorite games. We have one of the versions that you can play with the iPad and the board, my kids love it.

  14. Wow that is not the same Life I played growing up! Looks like a lot more fun!

  15. It has been a long while since I have sat down to enjoy a board game! I remember playing life in school as a young girl!!

  16. That’s such a classic game and it just never gets old. I do like the new way they have the end of the game set up. :)

  17. Love the old classic game, but I bet that the instant start is SO much nicer for the little ones. I was always so impatient when I was little.

  18. We love Family Game Night! We have it regularly here, too, though we haven’t introduced the kids to the Game of Life yet. Looks like we’ll have to remedy that soon! The new version looks fun!

  19. I have actually never played The Game of Life. My husband was so shocked when he heard this and plans on getting it for us :)

  20. Aww… it’s LIFE! We used to play this for hours when I was little!

  21. I use to LOVE this game! I haven’t played the new Game of Life but I want to go get it now!!

  22. We love hasbro! We actually have the LIFE game that is a combination of playing on the iPad and the board game.

  23. Oh I love playing life! It’s my favorite game!

  24. I loved playing the game of life as a kid! We still play as a family, now we have an iPad app that hooks up to it!

  25. It is a classic and it good to see games that have staying power. I’m not a big game player but this one I tried.

  26. I have great family memories playing this game! I can’t wait to play it with my kids!

  27. My family played Life when I was younger. I used to love the line in the directions for having more kids than room in the car. It went something like, ” Just stuff them in the car like you would in real life. “HAHAHHAHA!

  28. Looks like a great game! I bet your family had a great time!

  29. Life was always one of my favorite games! I’d always lose those tiny peg people though! 😀

  30. I love the game of Life. It was always one everyone wanted to play.

  31. We have the older version of The Game of Life, but this quick and easy way of playing sounds like fun! Usually, my husband, son, and I play games – but sometimes we have game nights and other family members come over.

  32. This was one of my FAVORITE games as a kid. I would play this game and Clue with my mom all the time.

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