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It’s always an exciting day when a new Disney show or movie becomes available on DVD.  Today’s it an offering from the Disney Junior channel, which of course makes the youngest member of our household quite excited.  Especially since it features all of her classic Disney character friends.

We received a review copy of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie-rella on DVD, which released today.  Our family is no stranger to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so I was sure we’d love this new tale, and I wasn’t disappointed.  Your little ones (and maybe some of you big ones) will love it.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie-rella DVD + Popup Castle Play Set #Disney

In Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie-rella, Minnie’s friends have her hard at work taking care of chores in the Clubhouse.  They’re trying to keep her distracted while they get her a surprise present, but the chores tire poor Minnie out.  She falls asleep and dreams she is Minnie-rella.

With a tomato standing in for the traditional pumpkin and Clarabelle as her Fairy Godmother (or should that be Dairy Godmother?) Minnie-rella will be soon be ready for Prince Mickey’s Grand Ball.  Dancing with Prince Mickey in her beautiful dress is a dream come true, but must end as the spell fades at midnight.  The music for this DVD is pretty great; I think you’ll love the “You and Me” song, for sure.

In addition to the main feature, there are some bonuses, too.  There are three bonus episodes: Pluto’s Tale, Mickey and the Enchanted Egg, and Daisy’s Pony Tale.  And then there are 10 bonus Minnie Bow-Toons Shorts:

  1. Piano Movers and Shakers
  2. A Good Sign
  3. Locked Out
  4. Feelin Crabby
  5. Cucko-Loca’s Egg-celent Adventure
  6. Funny Bunny
  7. Weather or Not
  8. Mechanical Mayhem
  9. Adventures in Piggy Sitting
  10. Minnie’s Makeover Madness

Minnie-rella Popup Castle Play Set - a Bonus WYB the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie-rella DVD #Disney

One of my favorite bonuses when you buy the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie-rella DVD is a fun popup castle play set.  It takes a couple of minutes to put together, but when you’re done, you have a cute little castle, plus a Minnie-rella, Prince Mickey, and carriage “paper dolls”.  Kids can use them to create their own fun stories and adventures for the Disney crew.

There are also some cute free printables available to go along with the Minnie-rella movie.  The little packet of activities even includes gluten-free cupcakes perfect for Valentine’s Day!  Click the image below to download, save, and print.

Click Communications: BLOGGER BUTTONS &emdash;

Who is the Minnie-rella fan in your house?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  29 Responses to “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie-rella on DVD Today! Plus Free Printables”

  1. Thank you for sharing! I will definitely be printing these for my nieces. They LOVE Mickey’s Clubhouse and really love Minnie!

  2. This is cute! My little girl hasn’t discovered Disney yet, but we are travelling to DL from Australia in April. Super excited! I’m glad I found your blog! Mez xx

  3. That’s actually funny that the distractions wore her out so much she fell asleep. Love the Minnierella dream too. Cute dvd!

  4. This sounds so cute. I have a niece that would absolutely love this DVD and her birthday is coming up soon, so I know what I am getting her :)

  5. This Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie-rella looks so cute. My grandkids will love it! They love Minnie & Mickey!

  6. I love anything Disney/Mickey! Back in the early 90’s I had a Mickey Mouse computer game that I loved to play when I was 5!

  7. OH I’m glad I stopped by because I totally forgot to check out these printables yesterday when I saw them on my phone!! We’re having a Disney party this weekend and they will be perfect!

  8. Disney and Mickey will never go out of style, such a timeless character!

  9. How cute! Both my boys love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and they’re still too little to care that they like princesses, so I have got to check this out.

  10. What a cute movie! My nieces would love this!

  11. We are big Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fans! Disney Junior is making a big deal about Minnierella and all the other Cinderella influenced specials, so we’ll be watching along.

  12. This looks like such a great movie! Thanks for sharing the free printables!

  13. This is such a cute movie. We were able to grab a copy, too and my daughter loves it. I love the classic story within another Disney show. So fun!

  14. How cute! My niece would love this!

  15. This is super cute! I would have loved this growing up!

  16. my little 4 year old loves Minnie and princesses. we need to get this dvd!

  17. My little princess Charlee Ann is the mickey mouse clubhouse lover in my house. Her favorite is the wiz of diz which is a twist on the wizard of oz. We have been watching it since Christmas! ! I’m sure she would love this one too

  18. I don’t have little ones, but Minnie-rella sounds absolutely adorable! How cute!

  19. My girls love Minnie Mouse. They want to see this.

  20. My son and daughter both love Minnie…and Mickey of course. This looks like fun!

  21. I’ve never heard of Minnie-Rella, but it looks cute. I know my girls would all love it!

  22. These look like cute little activities. Thanks for them!

  23. Always loved Micky and Minne Mouse as I did enjoy watching their show as a child. I’d watch the DVD too.

  24. My daughter loves Minnie Mouse! We picked this up for her for Valentines day.

  25. Love this! The printables are so cute!

  26. My girls will LOVE this DVD. We are huge fans of Disney Jr and Mickey Mouse Club House

  27. That little castle playset is really cute. Who doesn’t love Minnie Mouse?

  28. This is on our DVR right now because my son loves it. I will have to get the DVD.

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