Jan 062014
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Many of us are starting the New Year by tackling organization projects.  For us, our three main organization projects for January are the garage, a storage closet that was turned upside-down by the holidays, and our pantry.  I’m one of those people who actually look forward to labeling, sorting, and putting things in their place so I’m excited to roll up my sleeves and get to work.

50 Organization Tips, Tricks, Hacks, Storage Ideas, Free Printables, DIY Solutions & More

I thought I would put together a list of organization tips, tricks, storage solutions, free printables, DIY home solutions, and more in order to help you cross off all the areas on your lists this year.  I’ve broken them down by area, type, or category so you can quickly find what’s most applicable to you.  I hope they help!








General Storage Solutions

Cleaning Tips & Tricks

What are your organization tips?  Please feel free to leave a link below!

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  39 Responses to “50 Organization Tips, Ideas, Printables, Hacks and More”

  1. Thank you for this amazing list!!! My big goal for 2014 is to get the house completely organized. It would just make life so much easier!

  2. I love this post! I can’t wait to go through the posts you linked to! Thanks for including my posts as well :)

  3. holy moly. tha’ts a huge list and awesome !

  4. Whoa, this a complete Pinterest post. Pinned and saving for later!

  5. I was just saying to my husband that I needed to reorganize my house, but didn’t know where to start…..ugh. This post is going to give me a good place to start.

  6. Thanks so much for sharing my posts. Off to check out the others!

  7. Thanks for including my lazy susan! Pinning :)

  8. Thank you so much for including my cheap bathroom drawer organization! Great post! :)
    Pinned & sharing!

  9. This list of organization tips will definitely come in handy here! Our spare bedroom just became the nursery for our second child, so we have to be more creative with the little space we have left. 2014 is all about decluttering and organizing our things.

  10. thanks so much for sharing my organizational tips….I hope they help!

    • You’re welcome, Diane! I know they’re already helping me – I love your kitchen tips, especially the “use the wall” and “increase storage” ones. Going to put those to work as we give the kitchen an organization overhaul this month :)

  11. This is a fabulous list! Thanks for sharing one of my tips!

  12. Great list of tips! Love the paperwork organization. Working on that right now. Thanks for the lists!

  13. Fantastic list! Funny how easy it seems when you list it. :)

  14. Wow what a great list. I could definitely use a little help in the organization department.

  15. I’m trying to get more organized in the New Year. Thanks for all the organization tips!

  16. This is an uh-MAY-zing list of helpful posts!! Pinning the heck out of it :)

  17. What a great round up, thanks so much for sharing. I’ll be hopping over to the organizational ones!

  18. What a comprehensive list. Thank you I really needed the meal planning to help me on my fitness journey!

  19. I need to organize so many things. Thanks for the tips. I can really use them

  20. I have a cart very similar to that Rolling Toolbox that I use for storing nail polishes and nail tools and I LOVE it. It’s easy to take from room to room around the house and load into the car for clients :)

  21. I’ll have to pin it so I can come back to this list later – so detailed and awesome! Especially the print outs. Thank you.

  22. Great list! I am going to have to read them all! Can’t wait to organize my kitchen because it is such a mess right now.

  23. Thanks for sharing my lockers! Have a great day.

  24. Great list! I just attempted to organize my kitchen, but could still use more help with it!

  25. It was a good idea to share so many tips. There are sure to be several that will be of use to everyone.

  26. Awesome list! I am really bad with organization.

    You forgot to add my personal favorite, and the organization tip that gets me through… marry a really organized man! 😉

  27. Great list! Thanks for organizing this list of organization tips for us :) pinned to peruse later!

  28. Thank you for putting together this great list! It is good to have it all in one place.

  29. So many great ideas!! I have a weird obsession with printables…thanks for sharing!

  30. What a great list! Pinning so I remember to reference it when I tackle some organization projects in the new year :-)

  31. […] 50 Organizing Tips you need to know by Views from the Ville […]

  32. […] this giveaway a blast!! http://goo.gl/forms/U5p4We27Et   CHECK OUT YOUR MOST VIEWED LINKS   50 Organizing Tips you need to know by Views from the Ville Snow Globe Christmas Craft by Christianity Cove Super Spicy Orange […]

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