Dec 292013
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I received Monopoly Empire and Transformers products in order to facilitate my review. All thoughts and words are my own.

I have long loved the board game Monopoly.  There were some serious marathons of the game in my house growing up, too.  My father has more patience than any person I’ve ever met and he would sit for hours upon hours and play with me, long after others had given up.

Monopoly Empire

Monopoly Empire Board Game from Hasbro

While the classic version will probably always be my favorite, we definitely are having fun with one of the newest iterations, Monopoly Empire.  In Monopoly Empire everything – the properties, the pieces, the cards – get a little shake-up with modern twists.  You won’t see a battleship or Board Walk, but you will see a Coca-Cola bottle and Samsung.

Monopoly Empire with Popular Brands and Iconic Symbols

One of my favorite changes from the classic is that Monopoly Empire doesn’t have cardboard property cards any more.  Instead, you get billboard tiles that you place on a plastic “towers”.  The goal is to climb to the top of your tower first, and you do that by collecting properties.  They also simplified the money system: there are now only 50, 100, and 500 denomination bills.

Hasbro's Monopoly Empire has New Properties and New Pieces

The tiles are different sizes based on their value and fill up different dollar amounts on your tower.  So you don’t have to worry about collecting all the properties in a set so much as you want to focus on buying as many of the high-value properties as you can.  I’m usually pretty focused on winning, but the first time we played Monopoly Empire I really just wanted to collect all my favorite companies.

Transformers Generations Blitzwing

Hasbro's Transformers Generations Blitzwing Action Figure in Plane Form

Bubbles is quite a bit younger than the suggested age range of 8+, so she mostly took turns sitting with each of us (myself, hubby, Ashley and Austin) and helping add tiles to our towers.  She did wander off now and then, though, to play with her new Transformers Generations Blitzwing action figure.  She’s a bit under the recommended age for these, also, but that hasn’t stopped her from being a huge fan.

Hasbro's Transformers Generations Blitzwing Action Figure in Jet Form

Hasbro's Transformers Generations Blitzwing Action Figure in Jet Form

Blitzwing is a very cool Transformer in the fact that he’s what’s called a triple changer.  He converts from a robot to either a tank or a jet plane.  Bubbles gets Daddy to swap him around for her fairly often, but as much as she loves planes right now, Blitzwing is most often in jet mode.

Have you played Monopoly Empire yet? Which Transformer is your favorite?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  21 Responses to “Liven Up Your Winter Nights with Monopoly Empire and Transformers!”

  1. How neat! My kids would love this game!

  2. that is cool, a nice spin from the basic Monopoly – my son would love this!

  3. It’s great that Monopoly games have changed with the times. We haven’t played this version but my kids love the “zapped” game. As for Transformers, my son has the Construct-Bots and they keep him busy! He’s a bit too young to assemble them according to the directions, but that doesn’t stop him from playing.

  4. We love Monopoly! And I love how they have added to the game line from all our fav toys!

  5. i havent played this version of monopoly yet. Would love to test it out because it looks like a lot of fun. I love Transformers and Bumble Bee is my fave.

  6. Whoa, I had no idea that Monopoly had a new version out! We love playing Monopoly on family night, we will have to get this one!

  7. My 8 year old is a HUGE transformers fan and would love this toy. And I think the Monopoly game would be fun for the whole family.

  8. We love playing Monopoly Empire in our house, it’s a great edition, we play it a lot!

  9. I have a hard time embracing change within my classic board games but I must admit, this looks pretty cool :)

  10. i’m not big into monopoly but that transformers thing is COOL

  11. My family has had many of our own Monopoly marathons, but we haven’t played Monopoly Empire yet. Looks fun!

  12. I’ve found that the age range on transformers is really key to making sure that the kids can actually do the transformation themselves… hubby bought my youngest one that was too hard for him to transform and I spent a ton of time doing the transforming… we bought ones he could do himself and he’s enjoying them so much more!

  13. We love Monopoly and this one looks like so much fun! Can’t wait to check it out!

  14. Oh those are awesome! I want the monopoly! I have so much fun with that game! But I’m the only adult that will actually play it with the kids. And really; I do wish for a little more Adult interaction in the game. But I still would love to add this version of Monopoly to our collection.

  15. That looks like loads of fun for game night.

  16. Oh my. But I guess I’m an oldie and will still turn back to the older version 😉

  17. I love all the different types of Monopoly games that come out! I haven’t played that particular one yet though. Bumblebee will always be the favorite Transformer around our home 😉

  18. The Monopoly game looks awesome. I haven’t played in years, but this makes me want to buy it and play! :)

  19. looks like you have a few fun ways to spend new years!

  20. No, I have never played it. And I haven’t really seen too many of the transformers. But I bet my daughter might like it. Thanks for the info.

  21. How fun! We love Monopoly and it’s definitely a blast to check out different versions.

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