Dec 272013
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I received Bed of Nails products in order to facilitate my review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

With the start of the year on the horizon, many people are turning their thoughts to making resolutions.  One goal I often hear, especially from women, is to try and figure out how to find a few moments of “me” time.  Five or 10 minutes here and there to decompress, destress, and relax.

Bed of Nails Mat - Pink

Something to consider to enhance your “me” time in 2014 are products from Bed of Nails.  These aren’t what you might think of when you think of relaxing.  The Bed of Nails mat and pillow are actually covered in thousands of tiny little plastic “nails” designed to stimulate the acupressure points in your body.

This might sound a little more like torture and a little less like relaxation, but surprisingly that’s not the case.  I carry a lot of tension in my upper back and neck, so I am always on the lookout for products that might target those areas.  When you use the Bed of Nails pillow and mat together, you’re basically covering everything from the back of your head down to your calves, depending on how tall you are (the mat is 28.5″ long).

Bed of Nails Pillow - Green

So other than being kind of cool and unique, what do Bed of Nails products actually do?  It works similar to acupuncture; the pressure of the rounded nails against the skin may help the body release endorphins which can provide a sense of joy, energy and pain relief.  It also releases chemicals in the body that can make you calm and relaxed.

Bed of Nail Uses

Bed of Nails products may alleviate:

  • Stress
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Insomnia
  • Tension
  • Back pain
  • Muscle Aches

I have noticed feeling more energized after lying on the mat for awhile.  And it does seem to relieve my general aches and pains, also.  The pillows and mats are sold separately and come in both pink and green.  They can be purchased online from Amazon or in most Bed, Bath & Beyond brick and mortar stores.

What aches or pains would you use Bed of Nails products for?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  32 Responses to “Start the Year More Relaxed with Bed of Nails”

  1. I wish I had one of those right now.

  2. Me time would be amazing. I bet that would help with my back issues.

  3. I’ve always been curious about mats like this! My mom swears that they help her.

  4. I think this would be a neat product to try and see if it really works. I need stress relief!

  5. I need to relieve some stress and I have insomnia bad lately and I don’t know why.

  6. Oh wow. This sounds so neat. It would be great for the stress in my back.

  7. oh my goodness, I can totally see this helping to relieve a lot of stress and tension in my back! I so want one of these!

  8. I had to beg my husband to give me a shoulder massage this morning. My back was all cramped from sitting and reading too long. This would have been a great solution!

  9. I might actually use this, it seems pretty interesting! I have a ton of backaches and neckaches, and I have suffered from insomnia for years. Thanks for suggesting it!

  10. This would be a great gift for… MYSELF! I really need this

  11. I have one of these in my closet and it hasn’t gotten a ton of use, time to pull it out and try it again!

  12. I’d be curious to try something like this. But, for now, I’m happy to have a memory foam pillow for better support than a traditional one.

  13. I have been having horrible neck pain and this looks like something I need. I would take just about anything that would help!

  14. This is so interesting, and something I would definitely be willing to try.

  15. I bet this pillow would be fantastic to soothe the muscles after running. Thank you for sharing this review.

  16. This is such an interesting concept. I’ve always been interested in accupressure.

  17. I could definitely use it for my neck and back. Even my upper legs could use some help. Thanks for the info, Never heard of them before.

  18. I have the bed, but not the pillow. I can imagine the pillow would be amazing along with it. I love the feeling of laying on it and it really does relax me!

  19. I’d love to try it out for sleeplessness/insomnia. I sometimes have trouble getting to sleep so I’d be thrilled if Bed of Nails worked for me.

  20. I’ve never tried acupuncture before. I’m super curious about this now. I’d love to see how it would make me feel!

  21. I am sitting here in pain right now and this sounds heavenly.

  22. I’ve never head of these but if they relieve stress then I need them! Thank you for sharing all of the benefits.

  23. Wow! That sounds so intriguing. I’m definitely interested since I used accupuncture to help battle morning sickness.

  24. um, stress relief? sign me up!

  25. Oh my…I wasn’t sure if it was real when I first read “bed of nails.” I’ve always found accupuncture very interesting. I would love to try this when my back is aching.

  26. Interesting… I am sure this would help me, I would love to try it.

  27. This definitely sounds like something that I could use! It may help my migraines/headaches!

  28. i need this now- i did something to my back yesterday bringing the tree downstairs

  29. Between carrying stress in my neck and back, and constantly staring with my head down at the computer screen my body is a mess. This sounds like a beneficial product.

  30. That concept sounds really crazy….but I would love to try it! I have never tried acupuncture before, but I think it would totally work.

  31. I think I would like to try this, just to see how it would feel. I have lower back pain from two car accidents and would like to see if acupuncture could help.

  32. […] Get More Relaxed with Bed of Nails | Views from the Ville […]

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