Dec 172013
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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pull-Ups® Training Pants.

There have been a number of times over the past few months that I thought we were finally ready to start potty training.  Bubbles would take an interest and try to go when prompted, and sometimes even of her own volition, but it wasn’t ever anything that was at the top of the list.  It came down to the fact that my curious little girl was afraid she’d miss out on something fun and was too interested in the book/toy/whatever she was doing at the moment to stop for a potty break.

I was surprised, because everyone always talks about how girls potty train so early and so easily.  I didn’t really want to press the issue with her because I didn’t want to turn it into something negative that she was going to be even more against trying (did I mention that my curious toddler also has quite the stubborn streak?).  The time has officially come for us to start, though.  Bubbles looked at me the other day and said, “No more diapers, Mama.  I’m a big girl.”  No arguments from me!

Pull-Ups Training Pants for Potty Training #pottytrainingpants

So we picked out some big girl undies and have them as our goal for after Christmas.  In the meantime, we’re going to be using Pull-Ups® Training Pants.  There are a lot of events and excitement over the next few days and we decided that Pull-Ups® were the best option to help us build the bridge between diapers and undies while minimizing accidents and the need for a change of clothes.

Pull-Ups® training pants are both gender- and size-specific.  Bubbles loves that some of her favorite characters are on her Pull-Ups® and I like that they offer a range of products for our specific potty training needs.  The Pull-Ups® website has been helpful, too, as it’s packed full of tips, tools and resources to help with the process.

Our favorite has been the Big Kid® Celebrations where we spin the wheel to choose a way to praise successful trips.  I also was able to find out about the Big Kid® App you can download for your phone.  That way you can continue the potty training celebration and encouragement even when you’re out and about.

Save on Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants #pottytrainingpants

One of the other things I like that is on their site is the printable coupons!  Registered users of the site can print a $2.00 off coupon for Pull-Ups® Training Pants.  And if you share it with friends via social media, the value increases to a $3.00 savings.

What are your potty training tips? Have you tried Pull-Ups®?

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pull-Ups® Training Pants. Save up to $3 on your next purchase of Pull-Ups® by registering at the Pull-Ups® website:

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  9 Responses to “Kicking Off Potty Training with Pull-Ups®”

  1. We love using Pull Ups! They are wonderful!

  2. I used Pull Ups when potty training my kids! I love how they always are offering coupons and also reward points.

  3. Pull Ups were great when I potty trained my children!

  4. It’s been a while since I’ve done any potty training but my library parents swear by stickers.

  5. I used them many years ago when my kids were in diapers. It’s been awhile, but I remember patience is key. Each kid is different, so you don’t want to scare them off the potty. Make potty time fun and maybe offer a treat when they go on the potty.

  6. Not sure where i would be without the pull-ups. It has been a long long road

  7. We used PullUps for years, until they didn’t come in a big enough size for our needs. Love them!

  8. So thankful that we are finally out of this stage with all 6 kids! Woot! Pull ups were my saving grace though when we were potty training. At home they wore underwear, but when we went somewhere we put them in pull ups :)

  9. We use Pull ups and they are wonderful! Make potty training so much easier!

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