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The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

I have always loved wandering around inside of Best Buy, especially around the holidays.  Nearly everything technology- and appliance-related can be found under one roof.  And when you visit one of their 1,400+ locations you get to actually play with the items and get hands-on experience before making a purchase.

Holiday Gift Ideas from Best Buy

There’s also lots of help to answer whatever questions you may have.  Blue Shirts and Geek Squad Agents are highly trained, knowledgeable and impartial so they can help ensure you get the perfect gifts for your family and friends – and yourself!  In years past I’ve asked them quite a few questions – about TV size, PC specs, etc. – and they were always able to point me in the right direction.

Some of the areas where Best Buy specializes include:

  • Phones: You can see and try all of the phones, carriers, plans and accessories under one roof with industry-leading trade-in options (read more about the no-contract Zact service plans).
  • Tablets:  Best Buy is the only place in America where customers can see all of the latest and greatest tablets.
  • Mobile Accessories:  Best Buy has one of the largest selections of accessories and wearables this holiday (read my Misfit Shine review and my Frends Headphones review to get an idea of what’s available).
  • Gaming:  Best Buy is THE destination for gaming this holiday.  Not only do they have the latest Xbox and PlayStation consoles, but the hottest game releases and everything else you need for a great gaming experience.

Holiday Gift Ideas from Best Buy - Can Get Free Store Pick-up! #bbyHoliday13       Holiday Gift Ideas from Best Buy: Tech Toys #bbyHoliday13       Holiday Gift Ideas from Best Buy Come with a Low Price Guarantee #bbyHoliday13
Best Buy wants to be sure you get the best price, too.  So they have a Low Price Guarantee to ensure you’re getting the most competitive price.  And to make their prices even sweeter, I have a couple of exclusive blogger promo codes to share with you!

Holiday Gift Ideas from Best Buy: Save 15% on Fisher-Price, Mattel and Health & Fitness #bbyHoliday13

Get 15% off Health & Fitness, Fisher Price and Mattel

Holiday Gift Ideas from Best Buy: Get 10% Off Headphones and Portable Speakers #bbyHoliday13

Get 10% off Headphones & Portable Speakers (excludes beats, bose and Sony)

There are so many great holiday gift ideas to pick up with those coupons.  Some of my favorites are the Misfit Shine, Fisher Price Little People Apptivity Barnyard, and some Logitech speakers.  You can find more ideas in the Best Buy Gift Center. Definitely something for the whole family!

What holiday gift ideas did you find at Best Buy?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  23 Responses to “Holiday Gift Ideas from Best Buy”

  1. I have been looking for a great set of speakers for my son.

  2. I love a good deal. I’ll have to go online and check Best Buy out today.

  3. What great deals at Best Buy going on now!

  4. I want one of those Mini Boom speakers! We just got an iPad so I’ll have to check out Best Buy for accessories.

  5. This is such a great line up! We love Best Buy for electronics.

  6. I love best buy I am looking for some headphones for my son from there but can’t seem to find any cool ones online I will have to go to the store.

  7. We got a great deal on headphones for my daughter from Best Buy! They had an awesome sale this weekend!!

  8. Great deals! Yeah, we LOVE Best Buy – they have awesome customer service, and they are so knowledgeable and always answer all my questions whenever I’m in store! And you have to love that Low Price Guarantee!

  9. I like that you can play with everything in the store…or opt for free store pickup/delivery!

  10. My three and four year olds wants tablets and Best Buy has quite the collection to chose from.

  11. I can lose myself wandering around Best Buy, looking at all the great items! My boys want an xbox and I want a new Kindle.

  12. I will definitely be shopping at Best Buy this holiday season! So much to get – thanks for the coupons!

  13. There are a couple of video games my hubby would like from there. I can add some things from BB to my wish list too!

  14. Ooh I love shopping at Best Buy, they have.. everything! These coupons will really come in handy for holiday gifting! Thanks!

  15. I am always shopping at Best Buy all year long!

  16. It’s awful, but I haven’t been in yet! Don’t worry; I’ll be in there a few times before Christmas rolls around!

  17. We love Best Buy for our holiday shopping, especially the in store pick up!!

  18. My kids have tons of tech gadgets on their list. There will definitely be a trip to Best Buy. My son wants a good pair of headphones, so I will take advantage of this discount code.

  19. Best Buy is always on out Holiday shopping list :) we like our tech/gadgets around here!

  20. We enjoy visiting our local Best Buy. They were very helpful with my purchase of my Nikon camera. Not only did the associate help me pick out my camera, but he also helped me identify the damage when my three year-old threw it across my living room. I took it in and asked them what he did, they were able to point the issue out for me so I could get a better estimate from Nikon on the repair costs. Very knowledgeable staff, very helpful.

    Mommy’s Playbook

  21. Best Buy has been the go to place for electronics for my family for years.

  22. I love shopping at Best Buy. I have bought my last two iPhones and my laptop there!

  23. I love best buy for their price matching!

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