Nov 222013
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This Suave holiday scents is a sponsored post on behalf of Global Influence.  All words and opinions are my own.

The holidays are all about scents.  The pine scent of a freshly-cut wreath or Christmas tree, pumpkin pie cooling on the counter, even the smoky smell of a fire burning in the fireplace on a cold winter night.  Of course, around here that fire smell is usually paired with hot chocolate, so you get an extra yummy holiday scent.

Holiday Scents of the Season #suavescents

The list really could go on: sugar cookies, apple cider, gingerbread, egg nog.  I’m starting to make myself both hungry and anxious for the holidays to get here just by thinking about these scents.  I love the fact that such strong memories can be evoked simply by recalling what something smells like.

Holiday Scents of the Season #suavescents
Keep that fact in mind for the guests that will be visiting during the holidays.  You can create a really relaxing atmosphere for them with a few inexpensive items, including your favorite Suave Naturals.  Tropical Coconut and Juicy Green Apple both say “spa” to me.

Holiday Scents of the Season #suavescents
Suave Naturals aren’t just for the ladies, though.  They have an entire line of products for men, too.  The 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner help save your man an extra step in the shower (plus give his hair the nourishment it needs without him needing to admit he uses conditioner).  There also are a few different types of styling products, like gel and paste, too.

While not part of the Naturals line, we use the Suave kids’ shampoo exclusively around here.  It makes Bubbles’ hair smell like strawberries each time we wash her hair and it’s awesome.  Most importantly, it also does a good job cleaning hair while leaving it soft and tangle-free.  You might think about swinging by Walmart and adding a few bottles to your stocking stuffer shopping list for the littles in your life.

What are your favorite holiday scents?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  One Response to “Holiday Scents of the Season with Suave”

  1. Peppermint / Candy Cane

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