Nov 192013
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I received a copy of Disney’s Planes in order to facilitate my review.  All words and opinions are my own.

A couple of days before I left for California, we received a copy of the Disney’s Planes Blu-ray Combo Pack in the mail.  Big fans of the Cars movies, we had been excitedly awaiting the home release of Planes.  When Bubbles saw the cover she immediately asked if we could put it in and watch it.

Which, of course, we did.  Bubbles crawled up on the couch and sat there without squirming for the entire movie.  I think that tells you right off the bat that it’s an amazing movie; anything that can capture the attention of a toddler has to be good.

My Planes Review: Dusty from Disney's Planes #DisneyPlanesBloggers

Disney’s Planes centers on a cute little orange and white cropdusting plane named Dusty (voiced by Dane Cook).  Dusty doesn’t want to be a cropduster, though; he wants to be a racer.  Specifically, he would like to participate in the Wings Across the World Race.  The only problem?  He’s terrified of heights.

Dusty participates in the race qualifier but doesn’t make the cut.  Soon, though, he finds out that someone cheated and he’s getting to take their spot.  He’ll be competing in the race!  So with the support of his fuel truck friend Chug (voiced by Brad Garrett) and his forklift mechanic friend, Dottie (voiced by Teri Hatcher), and after some mentoring by former war plane Skipper (voiced by Stacy Keach) he heads off to start the race.

El Chupacabra from My Disney's Planes Review #DisneyPlanesBloggers

Along the way he meets a number of other planes.  There is Mexican racer El Chupacabra (voiced by Carlos Alazraqui), French-Canadian race plane Rochelle (voiced by Julia Louis-Dreyfus), Indian racer Ishanti (voiced by Priyanka Chopra), and the 3-time race winner Ripslinger (voiced by Roger Craig Smith).  Some of these planes will become friends – others, not so much.

Our Planes Review

We absolutely adore Planes.  When I called my husband the first night after having been away, he reported that they had watched it four times that day – it was the only thing that would occupy Bubbles and make her not wonder where Mama was.  Since then we have watched it at least once per day.  Every time we watch, Bubbles again climbs up on the couch and sits still for the entire 60 minute run time.

I love watching it, myself.  El Chu’s “I swish my cape at you!” line makes me grin every time.  And the cameo from Val Kilmer – a Top Gun, himself – was a nice touch.

Free Printable Facts & Activities Plus My Disney Planes Review
Disney’s Planes is directed by Klay Hall and produced by Traci Bathlazor-Flynn (check out my interview with them!).  There are a number of bonus features like Klay’s Flight Plan (you might want a few tissues) and the Top 10 Flyers.  Also click the image above for some free printable activities.

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What did you think of Planes?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  14 Responses to “Disney’s Planes Now Available on Blu-ray Combo Pack! Plus Our Planes Review”

  1. This looks like a super cute movie. I think I’ll gift the DVDs to my nephew. He’ll love it!

  2. so cute! The kids saw this movie, but I haven’t yet, so I’m looking forward to watching it with them. Can’t wait to get it.

  3. I loved Planes and it taught such a great lesson!

  4. I love this movie! It is great for kids and adults. I love that Disney can blend humor that is great for all ages.

  5. I can’t wait to see this! The whole family is excited to pick up the DVD!

  6. Love Disney Planes! There are times that you are transported around the world with Dusty and get to experience everything from the Taj Mahal to Mexico.
    The interaction between the planes is fantastic.

  7. We just watched this the other day. I am amazed how each Disney animated movie keeps getting better than the last! We loved it!

  8. We already got ours!! And my son got an entire collection of Planes toys for his birthday today.

    • How awesome, Camille! I’ll bet he was thrilled :) Shhh, Santa already received word about the love of Planes around here and I think Bubbles is going to be happy with her stocking!

  9. such a good family movie, even for the adults!

  10. I have to catch this movie, having my nephews over for the weekend.. maybe I’ll grab this while I’m out on errands today!

  11. […] a number of people behind the scenes of the original Disney Planes.  Feel free to check out my Disney Planes review, my interview with Director Klay Hall and Producer Traci Balthazor-Flynn, my Dusty sketch lesson, […]

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