Oct 042013
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I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Starburst.  I received product samples to create DIY Halloween projects and to facilitate my review, and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

I love decorating for the holidays.  Before I had a toddler, I often completed complex projects that required a lot of time and supplies.  Now that I have a little one, finding time for DIY projects can be a challenge.  So I tend to look for projects that are easier to complete and take less time.  Score extra points for projects that use items from around the house.

DIY Halloween Projects with #StarburstCandyCorn

Tori Spelling is a mom, too, but she still loves to entertain and craft.  So she’s partnered with Starburst to share a number of crafts using their Candy Corn.  One of the projects she made was a cute “BOO” sign.  It was so cute, actually, that I decided to make one myself!

DIY Halloween Projects with #StarburstCandyCorn

Halloween “BOO” Sign with Starburst Candy Corn

DIY Halloween Projects with #StarburstCandyCorn

Materials Needed:

Craft letters to spell “BOO” (or other seasonal message)
Glue gun & glue sticks
Ribbon, for hanging
Starburst Candy Corn


Using the glue gun, glue individual candy corn to the craft letters.  You can arrange them by color or randomly, both will look great.

After glue has dried, cut a length of ribbon that is long enough to place all your letters, plus enough extra to make a hanging loop.  Glue letters to ribbon using the glue gun and let dry.

Hang your “BOO” sign and wait for compliments!  I know it looks like it would take a long time to make this, but honestly, it took less than 20 minutes from start to finish.  You could easily put it together during nap time or while the kiddos are at school.

DIY Halloween Projects with #StarburstCandyCorn

Tori has lots of other DIY Hallowen projects – like the cute cupcakes above – on the Starburst Facebook page.  Check out all her ideas and tips and everything she created and use them as inspiration for your own crafts.  I think I may make some cupcakes of my own, and try jack-o’-lantern faces.  Her Mum Balls are really pretty, too; I might need a few to decorate the top of our entertainment center.

What are your favorite DIY Halloween projects?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

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