Jul 222013
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I participated in a Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service Project as part of a sponsored campaign for Collective Bias®.  All words and opinions are my own.

July is slowly melting away and before you know it school will be back in session.  Most of us are thinking about spending a few more days splashing in the pool or how we can fit in one last road trip while we still have time.  I’d like to ask you consider adding one more item to your to-do list: join us in participating in a Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service Project.

Champions for Kids Tooth Tunes Donations #Spinbrush4Kids

This month we collected donations as part of the Champions for Kids and Arm & Hammer Spinbrush SIMPLE Service Project designed to bring attention to kids in need.  Many families struggle on a daily basis to provide food and shelter; for them, much outside of those two things are considered luxuries.  It’s even more challenging during the summer when schools are out and the assistance provided by school programs is not being provided.

Having participated in a number of SIMPLE Service Projects, I can tell you that my favorite part of participating is how easy it is to spin into action.  It doesn’t cost a lot of money, it gives you a chance to help those in your very own community, it’s a great educational opportunity for your family, and giving to others makes you feel good, too.  Here are some tips on how to get involved:

  1. Gather – ask friends, family, and community members to help you collect fun items and toys for children, like books, games, sporting equipment, and of course toothbrushes!
  2. Count – after you finish gathering, count the total number of items and take a few photos.
  3. Donate – find someplace that finds hope and comfort to children and that has a message that speaks to you, like a hospital, shelter or foster care facility
  4. Double – report your project at championsforkids.org/share during July 2013.  Include the number of people that participated and the number of items you collected, and Spinbrush will make a matching donation of up to 1,000 (total) Tooth Tunes toothbrushes through Champions for Kids.

We follow the above suggestions by starting with a call to action to our friends and family.  I sent an email and some Facebook messages to both those near and far asking them to make their own donation, either by dropping them off with us or finding a cause they wanted to support on their own.  With the word out, Bubbles and I headed to Walmart to gather donations of our own.

Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service Project - Girl Donations #Spinbrush4Kids

I decided I wanted to put together two gift bags, one for a girl and one for a boy.  When kids arrive at the hospital or a shelter they often only have the clothing they are wearing.  Being handed their own little care package with a toothbrush and toy can make a scary, unsettling situation a little easier.

Champions for Kids Shopping Trip #Spinbrush4Kids

So we started in the oral care aisle where we picked up some Tooth Tunes toothbrushes, the only toothbrushes that pumps 2 minutes of your favorite music directly through your teeth.  We picked up two, one for each gift bag, and then picked up toothpaste, mouthwash, and flossing picks for each bag, as well.  Next we wandered through the book and toy sections of the store, collecting books, coloring books, clay, toys, and stickers.

Donation Items for Our Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service Project #Spinbrush4Kids

There were a few other items that piqued our interest and we decided to pick up some extra items.  When we returned home, we pooled them with the toys that were dropped off by a few friends.  Then we spent some time sorting our boy/girl items in their own gift bags.  It was a very fun way to spend an hour.

We dropped off our donation at Sunrise Children’s Services.  We’ve donated at Sunrise before; they helps find foster families for kids in need, and so I immediately thought of them.  I love thinking about the smile on a child’s face as they are handed a bag full of things, just for them.

Now that you know how to participate, I hope you’ll consider doing so.  And if you do participate, I’d love to hear about it!  Share your story below, and don’t forget to share on the Champions for Kids website, too!

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  2 Responses to “Spin Into Action with a Champions for Kids Simple Service Project”

  1. Thanks for taking part! I personally loved this campaign. I love music so Tooth tunes is a great way to start my day and I am 31! Haha Thanks for posting!

    • This campaign is always one of my favorites, too, Elizabeth! I wouldn’t mind using Tooth Tunes, myself, but I’m afraid 80s music probably wouldn’t be that popular a choice 😉

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