Oct 142012
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For more than 40 years General Mills Big G Monster Cereals have been enjoyed by kids and adults alike.  And right now you can find your favorite Franken Berry, Count Chocula, and Boo Berry varieties at Target – but only for a limited time!  If you have little ghouls who would enjoy these you’ll want to get them while you can.

Big G Boo Berry Monster Cereal

We don’t do a lot of sugary cereals in our house but I have always said all things in moderation.  The cereals have no cholesterol or saturated fat, and are considered to be a good source of whole grain, calcium, and nine essential vitamins and minerals.  So I am okay with serving up a few bowls of Monster Cereal to increase the fun of the Halloween holiday.  My personal choice would be to nosh on the Count Chocula; the rest of the family seems pretty partial to the Boo Berry, though.

General Mills Big G Monster Cereals

Boo Berry, Count Chocula, Franken Berry & $20 Target Gift Card

Which Big G Monster Cereal is your favorite?

The product, gift pack, information, and additional sample have all been provided by General Mills and Target through MyBlogSpark.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  86 Responses to “Celebrate Halloween With General Mills Big G Monster Cereals”

  1. Count Chocula for sure! :)

  2. Count Chocula

  3. Mine would have to be Franken berry

  4. I love Franken Berry!

  5. Count Chocula :)

  6. Franken Berry

  7. I love Count Chocula!

  8. Franken Berry is my favorite. thanks
    carolwegs at gmail dot com

  9. I love Frankenberry!

  10. frankenberry!

  11. Count Chocula

  12. Boo Berry

  13. I like Count Chocula

  14. Count Chocula definitely!

  15. I’ve always like Frankenberry

  16. Love Count Chocula!

  17. I love Frankenberry

  18. The Boo Berry!

  19. I love Count Chocula

  20. Boo Berry

  21. frankenberry

  22. Count chocula

  23. I like Count Chocula

  24. Count Chocula is my favorite.

  25. Count Chocula!

  26. Count Chocula is my favorite cereal!

  27. Count Chocula

  28. I love Franken Berry!

  29. Count Chocula

  30. FrankenBerry is my favorite! My kids laugh because I eat all the cereal bits first and save the marshmallows for the end.

  31. Boo Berry!

  32. The count

  33. Count Chocula!

  34. I love Boo Berry!

  35. Count Chocula!

  36. Count Chocula is my favorite.
    Thank you!

  37. I like Franken Berry.

  38. Franken Berry is my favorite.

  39. Boo Berry!

  40. count chocula

  41. count chocula

  42. Count Chocula

  43. My favorite is Count Chocula!

  44. Franken Berry!

  45. Count Chocula!! :)

  46. Boo Berry

  47. love boo berry!

  48. Frankenberry is my favorite! Thanks for this giveaway!

  49. Count Chocula is my favorite!

  50. Count Chocula

  51. I’ve loved Count Chocula since I was little

  52. i love count chocula

  53. Count Chocula!

  54. Boo Berry

  55. i like count chocula

  56. Boo Berry!

  57. Boo berry!

  58. My favorite is Count Chocula

  59. I love count chocula :)

  60. count chocula :-)

  61. Count Chocula!

  62. Count Chocula, for sure! That take me back 😉

  63. Count Chocula

  64. boo berry

  65. count chocula

  66. FrankenBerry! Thanks for the giveaway!

  67. I love Boo Berry!!

  68. Count Chocula is my favorite!

  69. boo berry

  70. Count chocula!!!

  71. my fav is frankenberry

  72. Frankenberry! Thanks!

  73. Count Chocula.

  74. Franken Berry

  75. Boo Berry : )

  76. My favorite is Count Chocula!

  77. Boo Berry

  78. My favorite is Count Chocula.

  79. I love Count Chocula!

  80. Count Chocula!

  81. Count Chocula is my favorite!

  82. My fave is Count Chocula, :)

  83. i have never tried boo berry’s but i have tried all the other flavors

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