Aug 272012
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Favorite board books for toddler.

15 Fun Board Books Great For Young Toddlers

We’ve been lucky that Bubbles has enjoyed books and reading practically since birth.  She loves to climb up with Mommy or Daddy and have us read her a book or five, often with multiple readings of each book.  She is also equally content to sit and “read” on her own.  Recently I observed her sitting with one of her “lift the flap” books where you’re trying to find a certain item, and as she lifted each flap, she’d shake her head and say “no” for each incorrect answer.  It was pretty cute to watch.

We’re also fortunate that she has a very thorough library; we received a number of books from her baby showers, and we add to her collection on a regular basis.  I loved books as a child and so it’s hard for me to resist buying when I spot a cute one.  Some of them she has enjoyed more than others, so I thought I would share a list of 15 of our favorite board books.  Most of them are ones that Bubbles brings to us daily, if not multiple times per day.  If you know of anyone expecting, a few of these would make a lovely gift!

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: I Love You Through and Through  I Love You Through and Through

15 Board Books For Toddlers: My Little Word Book  My Little Word Book

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: Baby Einstein Mirror Me! A Mirror Book  Baby Einstein Mirror Me! A Mirror Book

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: I Love My Mommy Because...  I Love My Mommy Because…

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: I Love My Daddy Because...  I Love My Daddy Because…

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: Where's Your Nose?  Where’s Your Nose?

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Finger Puppet Book  The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Finger Puppet Book

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: How Many Kisses Do You Want Tonight?  How Many Kisses Do You Want Tonight?

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: Sandra Boynton's Pajama Time  Pajama Time

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: Five Noisy Ducks (Has Sound)  Five Noisy Ducks

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: Sandra Boynton's Belly Button Book  Belly Button Book

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: Eric Hill's Where's Spot?  Where’s Spot? (Lift the flap book)

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: I Love You Always And Forever  I Love You Always And Forever

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: Baby's First Food  Baby’s First Food

15 Board Books for Young Toddlers: Noisy Peekaboo! Baa! Baa!  Noisy Peekaboo! Baa! Baa!

These are some of our favorites, but what about you?  What board book titles would you add to a list of must haves?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  9 Responses to “15 Board Books For Young Toddlers”

  1. My children love Pajama Time and Blue Hat, Green Hat. They’re both written by Sandra Boynton.

  2. Sandra Boynton is HOT! Beebo! lol

  3. I Love You Forever and If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

  4. Both of my children loved anything with added texture. They loved the baby farm animals and things they could feel :) Great list!

  5. Great suggestions, thanks!

  6. Great list. I would add Love You Forever by Robert Munsch.

  7. Fantastic list! My twin tots make me read “I Love You Always and Forever” over and over. Maybe it’s the voices I do. lol.

  8. A lot of books we haven’t checked out yet! We love to read together, so I will have to look for these. We do have “My Little Word Book” and the kids loved it!

  9. […] And check out 15 of our favorite board book for toddlers! […]

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