Jul 092012
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A few months ago I introduced you to Champions for Kids when I participated in my first Simple Service Project.  We really enjoyed making a difference, even if it was a small one.  So I was really excited when I was offered the opportunity to participate in a second one, this time partnering with Arm & Hammer and their Spinbrush line.

Many families, especially in this economic climate, have to make sacrifices, and for some of them one of the cuts made is dental care.  In fact, 19% of kids between the ages of 2 and 19 have untreated cavities.  This can lead to embarrassment, pain, and distraction from their education.

We’ve been working with Bubbles to help her learn to brush her teeth.  Each time my husband or I brush, we take her into the bathroom with us and sit her next to us.  She has her own brush and she’ll stick it under the flow of the water and then brush around inside her mouth (mostly her tongue!).  We also show her that “big people” floss and use mouthwash when they’re done.  We’re doing our best to instill good oral care in her right from the start.


The other day my husband let me know he had used the last of the toothpaste, so I took Bubbles and we made a quick trip to the store.  She was most interested in the Tinker Bell toothpaste, but a lot of the “fun” toothbrushes caught her eye, too.  I love that companies have taken the time to match their products to kids because things like flashing lights, special flavors, and favorite characters can go a long way towards encouraging them to participate.


In addition to the toothpaste, I also picked up a Spinbrush for both my husband and myself.  It had been awhile since we’d last replaced ours and I was interested in trying the cleaning power of the vibrating and spinning bristles.  Hubby specifically asked for soft bristles, and I tried to pick out a color that he would like.  See our full shopping trip in my Google+ Album.



Along with the Spinbrushes for us, I also couldn’t resist buying one of the Glowbrush Spinbrushes to add to an upcoming donation that we’ll be making to Lifebridge.  I love working with them because they partner with a variety of organizations that serve our community.  By donating through Lifebridge, I always know that my donation is going to go to the area that needs it most, whether it’s a shelter or program specifically for kids.

So that we’re able to help as many kids as possible, we’re going to be inviting friends and family to also donate oral care supplies along with us.  When shopping I also really wanted to get some of the Captain America ones as well as the Spinbrush “My Way” brushes, so when I go back to finish picking up our donations, I plan to get some of those, too.  I’ll be sharing a follow up post with you all in a few days to show you exactly what we were able to collect for our #SpinbrushCFK project!

Please be sure to follow Champions for Kids on Facebook, and on Twitter follow Champions for Kids and Spinbrush with hashtag #SpinbrushCFK to keep track of all the projects being worked on.

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Champions for Kids #CBias #SocialFabric  All opinions, as always, are 100% that of myself and my family.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  10 Responses to “Join Us As We Spin Into Action And Brighten Children’s Smiles”

  1. Your daughter sounds so cute! Great post, I can’t wait to see your donation post!

  2. The Glowbrushes are so cute…that’s definitely going to bring a smile to someone’s face!

  3. I agree – I love the characters and lights that come on some toothbrushes – they definitely help get my little girl excited about brushing!

  4. I brush my kids teeth with a spin brush. They love it. Afterwards, they get to brush their own teeth! It’s so important to have them be involved from the beginning. Thanks for sharing this lesson.

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

  5. I agree! The fun characters and all the bells&whistles can really help kids actually WANT to brush their teeth! Thanks for the great post!

  6. Great review and kudos to you for making a difference. :-)

  7. We love our SpinBrushes too! I think it makes kids brush better and longer too. Thanks for the great review!

  8. I love that you’re teaching your daughter oral hygiene early.
    I also love that you’re donating! Especially that you’re donating cool tooth brushes. So often when people donate tooth brushes they just go get the dollar store ones. The kids that need them still love them. But can you imagine the eyes of that little boy that’s going to get the Captain America tooth brush? Brings tears to my eyes to imagine the joy. No joke.
    I’ve been wanting to try SpinBrushes for awhile. I think next time I need to replace my brush I’ll get one. We got Madelynn one for Christmas. She used it probably 4 times a day until I got rid of it because it was lookin pretty bad.

  9. Great job on donating cute toothbrushes! Dental hygiene is so important and it’s great to start young.
    Whirlwind of Surprises

  10. […] Donation With #SpinbrushCFK  Reviews  Add comments Jul 162012   A few days ago I shared with you that Champions for Kids had partnered with Spinbrush for a new SIMPLE Service Project – Spin […]

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