Jun 082012
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We’ve been in our home for a couple of months now and we’re slowly making some of the updates, changes, and remodels that need to be done.  I recently shared how we made over the lighting in the living room.   Well, the lights weren’t – and aren’t – the only thing that needs to be changed in that space.  The carpet has had better days and really needs to be replaced completely, but we’re waiting until we pick out our new couch and recliners so that we can choose a color that best works with the furniture.

Our old rug needs replacing and it's so blah.

Fortunately you can make a dramatic change to a space just by adding an area rug.  We had looked in a few different stores but couldn’t quite find what we wanted.  I know you hear me say that a lot, but we have a fairly specific design in mind and we’ve waited such a long time to make our purchases that we’re willing to wait until we find just the right thing.  While I was searching online to see if I could find anything different I recalled the name Mohawk Home.  I remembered reading a few reviews of their products and everyone seemed really pleased.  So I was thrilled when Mohawk offered to send me a rug to help dress up our space.

I spent about an hour looking at their online selections and then showed a few of my favorites to my husband.  He liked all of them and told me to surprise him with my final choice.  So I spent another hour going back and forth between a couple of top contenders before biting the bullet and going with my first choice.

A few mornings later as we were heading out to go shopping I opened the door to find a rolled up rug leaning against the side of the entry.  I tried to bring it inside but not only was it taller than I it was also heavy!  So I had hubby drag it in.  I couldn’t wait; I immediately cut the plastic, opened it up, and we unrolled it.

New Mohawk Home Rug

Mohawk Home Rug

Mohawk Home Rug

I knew immediately that I loved it and was extremely happy when my husband said I’d made the perfect choice.  He had mentioned how boxy our living room felt, and I thought the circles and arcs on the rug might help give the room some “flow”.  It absolutely does!  I also love the colors they used, because depending on where you’re standing in the room and which direction the light is coming from, the rug shows all different shades of greys and grey-browns.

The quality is really nice, too.  My hubby vacuumed it for me while I took Bubbles to the grocery store (she hates the sound of the vacuum so it’s best to do it when she’s not there) and no loose threads pulled out.  That always worries me with a rug that has a little shag to it; will it hold up.  This one feels like it will.  We honestly couldn’t be more pleased with our new area rug.  I would easily order Mohawk Home rugs again in the future.

I received the above rug in order to facilitate my review.  No other compensation was received and all opinions, as always, are 100% that of myself and my family.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  3 Responses to “Give Your Home A Quick Makeover With Mohawk Home Rugs”

  1. Wow! This rug really makes a HUGE difference. Area rugs always make a tremendous difference on the “feel” and look of a room. We purchased an area rug last year that featured circles and squares. The pattern transformed the once cozy and small room into a more spacious and comfortable area. This rug looks awesome and the quality is definitely impressive! Ours was much thinner and I wanted a thicker rug, so I will absolutely keep Mohawk in mind!! Thanks! :)

  2. I LOVE that rug! It’s so unique! I will have to check out Mohawk Home when we move into our house!

  3. LOVE your choice!! That’s one of my favorites from Mohawk home… Their rugs are so gorgeous!

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