Mar 292012
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Last week Matter of Cents and I covered Easter crafts and this week we’re going to cover Easter recipes and treats!  There are so many tasty-looking recipes out there, I’m sure you’ll find something you’d like to grace your Easter table with.  I know I found a few that will definitely be part of our feast!

Pin Me! Thursdays Button

We’re still deciding whether to do brunch, lunch, or a combination of both.  Some of these brunch ideas might come in handy.  The colors are very festive, too!

Easter Recipes for Brunch

I think this little guy is so cute!  An Easter cheeseball “chick”.

Easter Recipe for a Cheeseball "Chick"

Brunch OR lunch, we’ll definitely be having a ham.  I might give one of these glazes or chutneys a try!

Easter Recipes for Store-Bought Ham

I think these would be especially fun for the kiddos (you might want to leave a few of them white in case some folks can’t get past the idea of eating a purple egg!).

Easter Recipe for Colored Deviled Eggs

These rainbow Jello eggs look AWESOME and would be a hit for sure.  They’d be a nice change from a traditional Jello salad, too.

Easter recipe for Rainbow Jello Eggs

What a great idea for using up extra Easter candy!  I also love the pastel candy-coated sunflower seeds.

Easter Recipe for Bark made from Easter Candy

I love these cupcakes.  They’re simple, but elegant, and not too hard to make!

Easter Recipe for "Grass" and Egg Cupcakes

Do you have any favorite Easter recipe or pins you’d like to share?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  3 Responses to “Great Easter Recipes and Treats: Pin Me! Thursdays”

  1. I really want to try those pastel colored deviled eggs! So cool!

  2. The cupcakes are sooo adorable! I wish I had found these in the spring! The jello eggs are amazing; I bet I’d mess them up somehow!

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