Mar 262012
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 Pinterest Pins From A to Z

I’m excited to be participating in “Pin From A-Z” with some other great bloggers.  We’re going to be taking you through the entire alphabet courtesy of Pinterest (or Pinterest-friendly images).

I have the letter C.  C is a great letter – it’s what starts Christmas, crafts, children, cooking, cupcakes, college sports, cheese… well, lots of awesome things.

Let’s start with a double-dose of “C”: Christmas Crafts

DIY Decorative Christmas Clothesline Craft

Pinterest From A to Z

DIY Our 1st Christmas Wedding Invitation Ornament

Pinterest From A to Z

100 Christmas Crafts

Pinterest From A to Z

How about Cleaning?

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Pinterest From A to Z

Cleaning Tips from Real Simple (one of my favorite magazines)

Cleaning Tips

 Some Creative Cakes

Toy Story Birthday Cake

Toy Story Birthday Cake

Red Sox Birthday Cake – My family in Maine would love this!

Red Sox Birthday Cake


Cheesecake (Red Velvet)

Red Velvet Cheesecake Recipe

Cookie Dough Dip

Cookie Dough Dip

 And of course…cookies!

Crown Cookies (Disney Princess party, maybe?)

Crown Sugar Cookies

Cupcake Cookies

Cupcake Cookies

I’d love for you to leave comments with the links to your favorite pins of items that start with the letter “C”!

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  8 Responses to ““C” Is For Cookie…Pinterest Pinning From A to Z”

  1. I like that bread tags idea!

  2. Great collection!

  3. Great List! Cookie dough dip? You have got to be kidding! I almost licked the computer screen! Looks divine!

  4. I’m letter “J” in the event – stopping by and pinning!

    Yummy “C’s”!

  5. love the birthday cakes!

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